If you have fatty plants in the house or in the garden, you probably know they are not really “hungry” like other flowers. Still, they too need some nourishment to grow strong and luxuriant.
When and how to fertilize the fatty plants? It is a question that many ask, often with the fear of making mistakes and ruining everything. After all, how many times have you heard that the succulent live very well even without care? True, but not entirely.
Adequate fertilization really makes the difference, making the leaves more turgid, intensifying the color and stimulating flowering. The secret? Use the right fertilizer and apply it at the best time. And no, do not need expensive chemicals: nature already offers us everything they need. Curious to know how? I’ll explain it immediately!
The perfect time to fertilize the fatty plants
GraSing plants have a rather particular growth cycle. During the cold months, they enter a sort of lethargy, slowing down every activity. If the fertilizers in winter, just do damage: It’s like feeding someone who is sleeping. The right time, however, is Spring. With the increase in temperatures and light, the succulent awaken and begin to grow more actively.
The general rule is to fertilize from March to Septemberbut without exaggerating. An application each Three or four weeks It is more than enough. If with too much fertilizer, plants grow too quickly, developing weak fabrics and more subject to rot. Do you really want your beloved Echeveria to turn into a soft ball? No, right?
Another trick? Observe the plant. If you see that the leaves become pale or grow very slowly, a little fertilizer could be right for them. If, on the other hand, it is in full form, better not to overdo it.
The most effective natural fertilizer (you already have at home!)
Now the interesting part arrives: Which fertilizer to use? Commercial products are fine, but if you want a natural and cheap alternative, you will surprise you to know that you already have the best fertilizer in the kitchen.
- Egg shells: Very rich in calcium, they favor the development of roots and strong fabrics. Just chop them finely and spread them on the ground.
- Banana: No, you don’t have to give it directly to the plants (even if it would be fun). The peel is a natural source of potassium and phosphorus: put it in infusion in water for a day and uses the liquid to water.
- Coffee funds: Perfect to slightly lower the pH of the ground and provide an extra dose of nitrogen. Use them in moderation, however, because they can make the substrate too compact.
- Vegetable cooking water: Rich in minerals, it is an excellent solution to hydrate and nourish plants without effort.
Have you noticed one thing? All these fertilizers are free And they also reduce waste. Not bad, right?
Small tricks not to make mistakes (because yes, it’s easy to exaggerate!)
Ok, now you have the right fertilizer and you know when to use it. But how to apply it without doing damage? Here are some tips:
- Always dilute it: Whether it’s a natural fertilizer or a commercial one, it is better to use a lighter dose than the recommended one.
- Never on the leaves: The fertilizer goes to the ground, not above the plant. Otherwise you risk burning the leaves.
- Do not fertilize the stressed plants: If your succulent is battered, wait for it to recover before giving her nourishment.
- Attention to nitrogen: Too nitrogen makes the plants fatty and weak. Always choose fertilizers with more phosphorus and potassium.
Now that you know everything about when and how to fertilize the fatty plants, I throw a challenge: try one of these natural methods and observe the results. I assure you that, with the right care, your succulents will become more beautiful than ever. And maybe next time you will give advice to friends!
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