The alternate Missionary José Olímpio (PL-SP) must be responsible for taking the vacancy of the federal deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro (PL-SP) In the House if he leaves for more than 120 days of office.
This Tuesday (18), As a parliamentarian to remain in the United States, under the justification of persecution.
In situations of removal to as in the House and state and district assemblies, the rule is that alternates will be the best voted candidates of the party or coalition shortly after those who were elected.
In the case of Eduardo Bolsonaro, the first PL alternate in Sao Paulo would be the deputy ADILSON BARROSO. But Adilson is already acting in place of the current Secretary of Public Security of São Paulo in the Tarcísio de Freitas government (Republicans).
In this case, Olímpio, who received 61,938 votes in the 2022 election, will take the place of alternate because he is the second most voted parliamentary of the subtitle.
Who is José Olímpio
Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Itapetininga, in the interior of São Paulo, José Olímpio Silveira Moraes is a politician linked to the World Church of the Power of God. He was born December 11, 1956 in the city of Itu, São Paulo interior.
In their social networks, the parliamentarian says he fights “For Christian and family values”. Part of their publications on the network are dedicated to the former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL).
Although today he assumed the position of alternate, Olímpio already elected twice federal deputy for São Paulo, and held the position in the House between 2011 and 2019.
He was also a councilman in his hometown between 1982 and 1992, and in the capital of São Paulo in 1996 and 2004 as alternate and effective in 2000.
Before joining the PL, he went through several parties, such as the MDB, PP, DEM (current Union Brazil) and Union.
At the end of his term as a federal deputy, in 2014, the missionary presented a Bill (PL) to prohibit implantation in humans of identification in the form of electronic chipsclaiming that The project eventually shelved by the CCJ of the House.