Add to yogurt and cocktail. You will burn sides and prevent constipation

by Andrea
Add to yogurt and cocktail. You will burn sides and prevent constipation

Tukmaria seeds come from Asia And there they are also known as Sabja, Falood or Salasih. In Poland, maybe more will say that they are simply Sweet basil grains. These tiny, jet -black seeds are similar to sesame seeds. After soaking, like chia seeds, they swell to the multiple of their original size, while creating a jelly -like coating. How can you include them in your diet?

Tukmaria seeds are characterized by a mild tastewhich is often compared to a nutty note. They are a real treasury of health on many levels, which has been getting louder and louder about them for some time. Contain, among others, numerous vitamins such as A and K, And also minerals, including calcium, magnesium and iron. Moreover A valuable source of antioxidants.

The valuable health -promoting properties also follow the rich composition. By the ability to absorb water from outside and create a gel coating, sweet basil seeds are recommended, among others, for people with digestive problems. In addition, the fiber contained in tukmaria supports the intestinal work, preventing flatulence and constipation. These seeds are also a natural prebiotic, for which the intestines are grateful.

Consuming sweet basil seeds allows you to maintain proper hydration. They also have anti -inflammatory and strengthening to immunity. Through the presence of antioxidants, they support the protection of tissues and organs against the harmful effects of free radicals.

Thanks to the high fiber content, many people include sweet basil seeds in their diet because it is effectively. For a long time they give a sense of satiety as well They help control appetite. What’s more, tukmaria slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and thus helps Keep stable blood glucose levels.

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Already one tablespoon of tukmaria seeds is able to cover the daily demand for alpha-lipo acid. So let’s reach for them regularly, especially since you can include them in a daily diet in a lot. Just proper preparation. It’s best to soak them in water, milk or juice, That they can take moisture from the outside and thus create a gel coating.

Tukmaria works faster than chia and has a neutral taste, So it is suitable for many dishes. These seeds will work, among others, as Addition to soups, cocktails, yogurt, pudding, pancakes, oatmeal or even bread and cupcakes. You can create various desserts with them, which means that they can permanently appear in the diet in a pleasant and imperceptible way.

When reaching for sweet basil seeds, remember to Do not consume them in raw form because they are difficult to digest. One glass water is needed for one tablespoon of seeds. Just 15 minutes to swell and be suitable for consumption.

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