After CNN relieve what Alicia Dudy Muller Veiga, of USP medicine, got the professional registration as a doctor, The São Paulo Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPSP) has requested the court that the former medical student undergo psychological examinations.
The request was accepted by the 32nd Criminal Court of Barra Funda of the Court of Justice of São Paulo (TJSP), on February 3 this year. The measure came to light after the court removed the confidentiality from the estelionate process.
The ministry states that Alicia tried to “giving the consequences of your actsor at least minimize what the law establishes as a penalty for its conduct ”by claiming inimputabilitycondition when it is not known to understand what is or not a crime.
The argument is contradictory, according to the folder, with the registration of the medical:
The defendant comes here to claim to have psychiatric problems, personality disorders and everything else to minimize the consequences of their actions, (…) will consult sick people, prescribe medicines and act as if none of these psychological and psychiatric problems are allegedly faced existing
Vagner dos Santos Queiroz, Prosecutor
The folder requested expert examinations to clarify Alicia’s mental condition and know if the young woman has psychological and psychiatric conditions to exercise medicine.
A CNN He sought the lawyer who defends the young woman and awaits return.
Alicia won CRM
After the conviction, Alicia and already appears as active in the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) until the night of Wednesday (19).
CRM registration was held on December 26, 2024. However, there is no specialty and area of expertise.
Remember the case
At the end of 2021, the young woman, who was chairman of the commission, requested the transfer of values to a personal account without the endorsement of other group students.
To his colleagues, Alicia stated that he drew the money from the account because the hired company was not providing good service, and decided to invest the appeal together in a broker, who would later have suffered a blow.
The police and the prosecutor of São Paulo (MP-SP) did not believe in their version, being reported by the practice of estelionato eight times.
The São Paulo Court accepted the complaint, and in July last year Alicia was convicted by the 7th Criminal Court Five years of imprisonment in semi -open regime.
The sentence also determined the payment of indemnity to victimsat the same value as the damage caused.