Are you drinking linseed? Be careful, in this case it is more harmful than it helps

by Andrea
Are you drinking linseed? Be careful, in this case it is more harmful than it helps

Flax seeds are undoubtedly a treasury of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and lignans, i.e. natural antioxidants. Thanks to these ingredients, it improves digestion, supports the heart, and also has anti -inflammatory effect. However, its inappropriate use can lead to health problems. Cyanogenic glycosides contained in it are the main risk associated with linseed. These natural chemicals in excess can transform into hydrogen cyanide, which is a toxic substance for the body. The key is proper preparation and moderation.

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The biggest mistake made by linseed lovers is to eat it in excess or in the form of raw seeds. Raw seeds may contain larger amounts of these cyanogenic glycosideswhich burden the liver and kidneys in high doses. To minimize this risk, you should always undergo linseed the proper thermal treatment. The best choice will be cooking or pouring boiling water, which allows you to neutralize harmful compounds, while maintaining valuable nutrients.

Dietitians recommend consuming a maximum of 1-2 tablespoons of linseed day. In this amount of health benefits, they outweigh the potential risk. What’s more, it is worth entering the diet to the diet gradually, especially if we are not used to a large amount of fiber. One of the best ways to thermal treatment of flax seeds is cooking. Linseed is best cooked for about 10-15 minutes until a characteristic jelly is formed. It can be consumed in this form yourself or added to dishes.

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The second thing is grinding. Minced flax seeds should be stored in a tightly closed container in the fridge and consumed in a short time, because they run quickly. The third way is pouring with boiling water. This is a good alternative to cooking. Just pour the seeds with boiling water and leave them for a few minutes to swell. The use of one of these ways will make us use the best of linseed, without potential damage to our body. It is also worth choosing a method of processing for our preferences.

For many people, linseed is one of the healthiest foods available on the market. It’s not about being afraid of him, but remember a few issues. First of all, that cyanogenic glycosides contained in flax seeds are toxic to the body, you need to eat over a kilo of linseed during the day. The second issue concerns the transformation of organic chemical compounds contained in linen seeds into cyanogenic glycosides only after pouring lukewarm or cold water. That’s why Doctors recommend their cooking or boiling water.

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