Ticks are arachnids that feed on the blood of animals, including people. They are widespread around the world and are a serious threat to health because they can carry various diseases. Ticks have a flattened, oval body that expands after drinking blood. They are equipped with a mouthpiece adapted to get into the skin and sucking blood. The size depends on the species and the stage of development. Uncompatible ticks can be very small, the size of the head of the high heels, while the blood can reach the size of the grape seed. Ticks are a serious threat to health, so it is important to know the principles of prevention and know how to deal with a bite. Regular examination of the body, the use of repellents and appropriate clothing can significantly reduce the risk of tick bite. In the event of symptoms of the disease after a bite, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
This plant scares away ticks. Place her in your garden
Gently and warm winters have made Poland to last in Poland. Vets in January appealed to check dogs after walks. The upcoming spring is a time when even more ticks in the forests and fields appear. If you want to secure your plot and garden through these arachnids, it is worth planting tick -repellent plants. Their intense smell chases ticks. Lavender is such a plant. It is an aromatic perennial that beautifully adorns every garden. It has a fragrance that scares ticks and mosquitoes, and at the same time attracted useful insects, such as bees and butterflies. Lavender should be planted close to terraces and gazebos. When going for a walk, it is worth reaching for lavender oil.
Spring lavender care
You should cut a few times to a year. The first is spring cut, which is carried out on old bushes. It is best to carry them out in the winter resting period before the bush begins to grow for good. Summer cutting of lavender is the most important care treatment. It aims to get rid of old and fading inflorescences. During summer cutting, leafless and dry stems are also removed. Such a cut supports the growth of lavender. Thanks to it, the shrub grows better, and more flowers appear on individual stems.