The president of the (Supreme Federal Court) stated that Brazil was able to overcome cycles of delay, citing various moments of political instability in the country, including what he called recent starters.
“We have achieved in these 40 years through all the cycles of delay and although one or another more recent start we can preserve institutionality,” he said.
The minister recalled that Brazil has undergone numerous attempts at blows throughout its history, until the promulgation of the Federal Constitution in 1988 and the conquest of institutional and monetary stability and social inclusion.
The statement was given at the opening of the plenary session on Wednesday (19).
“With all the circumstances, difficulties and some atechnalities, it was the Federal Constitution that made the successful transition from an authoritarian, intolerant and often violent regime to a democratic rule of law. This is a fact that all of us who teach constitutional law like to highlight because the history of Brazil has always been the history of breaking legality or the breakdown of legality,” he said.
During the session, he also commented on the theme. According to him, redemocratization with the Federal Constitution does not avoid crises, but solve and allow institutions to solve these crises.
“In these 40 years of redemocratization, we had several crises, but all of them resolved in institutional and thanks to the Constitution,” he said.
The President of the Court was also, in the morning, in the National Congress in a solemn session in honor of the 40th anniversary of the redemocratization, in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies. Also present were authorities of the three powers, including ministers Gilmar Mendes e.
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