Brew 3 heaped spoons and pour into the pot, and you will break the earthworks and their larvae
Earthlings are small, black flies that often appear in our homes, especially near potted plants. Although they are not dangerous to people in themselves, their presence may be burdensome, and foraging larvae in the ground can damage the roots of plants. Most often they get into our homes along with newly purchased plants, which already have folded eggs or larvae in the ground. Therefore, when you notice that small flies fly around your pot plants, react before these little pests attack more plants in your home. How to get rid of earthworks? Although there are many chemicals available on the market, it is worth first trying home ways to get rid of these pests from plants. One of them is chamomile. Intensive and essential fluid works on both bow ties and their soil larvae. To prepare the infusion you need about three heaped spoons of dried chamomile. Pour boiling water and leave it to cool. Then strain and water the plant attacked by pests.
Homemade ways to earthly in the pot
In addition to chamomile, a few more can be used. Cinnamon is often recommended. You can sprinkle the soil in a pot or prepare liquid. Just mix three tablespoons of cinnamon from 0.5l of hot water and set aside to cool. Then strain the liquid through a clean cloth and pour it into a pot attacked by the earthworks. Garlic is equally effective in. Crush the garlic head and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Wait until it cools down and water the plant attacked by pests. A decoction of garlic can also be diluted with a liter of lukewarm water. Earthlings will disappear once and for all.
How to prevent earthvorts in plants?
If you want to avoid earthwriters in plants, then make sure you plant them in airy and porous soil. It is also best to water the flowers from below so that the upper layer of the soil remains dry. And most importantly – buy land for plants in trusted garden stores.
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