CCJ President removes clash with STF and Ideological Table – 20/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The new president of the CCJ (Constitution and Justice Commission) of the House, Paulo Azi (-BA), says in an interview with Sheet that the so -called customs agenda should not have priority in the collegiate under its management and that it is necessary to reduce the antagonism of the legislature with the judiciary.

Azi this Wednesday (19). In 2024, under the presidency of (PL-SC), the Government (PT) and privileged an ideological agenda.

Last year, they were approved and, besides advancing proposals and.

The new chairman of the commission says he has a different profile from his predecessor, evaluates that it is necessary to pay special attention to the agenda proposed by the Executive Power and states that it will focus on the discussion of economic and public security topics.

Today, the CCJ suffers a lot from the establishment of this climate of radicalism that causes the non -voting of the subjects, “says Azi.

“[Projetos da pauta de costumes] They should not be the absolute priority of the commission. We have to pay special attention to the projects that were proposed by the Executive Power, because it effectively has the right to see its projects appreciated, because it is responsible for implementing public policies. “

The parliamentarian states that proposals that are expensive to society end up not advancing in Congress because of this climate of polarization that prevents the dialogue between congressmen.

“Many times the option is to vote for nothing. Then we keep complaining about the position of the, which ends, in a way, invading our skills. But in the vast majority of cases, [isso é] The result of our inaction, our lack of political positioning, “says the CCJ president.

The parliamentarian says he has not talked to members of the judiciary since assuming the board, but says he evaluates that, at this moment, “we should not contribute to throw gasoline in boil.”

“We have to effectively try to build, on the basis of dialogue, understanding, a model of coexistence that reduces this position of antagonism that often stands between the legislature and the judiciary.”

Azi states that he will not assume any ideological position at the head of the board and will seek to act as impartially as possible by serving everyone. “I won’t be there to assume any specific position of being government or opposition.”

He says he considers he to have a similar stance that of the mayor (Republicans-PB) to avoid confrontation.

“His spirit is of much conciliation. This does not mean subservience or decrease in his attributions as president. But it is the profile of a person who before any more aggressive, clash, he will seek understanding and conciliation.

Ally of the former mayor of Salvador, the new president of the CCJ is part of the opposing group to the Minister of the Civil House ,. Despite being opposition in the state, he says that this position will not interfere with his performance in the commission.

“I’ve been there for over 18 years, but I’ve always had a cordial relationship with the minister. We have always respected themselves, the criticism I have never been to the minister’s person, but to the government. For my part, there is no predisposition to create any difficulty in the minister’s performance.”


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