Cleaning windows is usually not one of the favorite housework. Therefore, it is good to know the ways to keep windows brilliantly clean so that even spring rain does not leave unwanted smudges. It turns out that just mix water with the right ingredient and get a brilliant window cleaning product that is well known to older generations. Find out how to prepare it.

The windows must usually be thoroughly cleaned after winter so that spring sun rays can penetrate the room. Unfortunately, this time of year, the weather can play with you and unexpected rain often leaves unwanted smudges on freshly cleaned windows. Can you do something about it? Fortunately yes, with the help of the product you are You can buy for about 3 euros.

Windows without smudges? Easy way to keep windows long shiny

Winding windows can become a much simpler and more pleasant homework with the help of a means that you can easily prepare yourself at home. If you start using it, your windows will remain longer without drops of rain, dust, pollen and any impurities. How do you achieve this? A simple and cheap way you have often heard of our old ones.

We are talking about the use of glycerin as a domestic way of efficient window cleaning. It is a cheap and easily accessible product with many features.

  • After cleaning the windows with glycerin, an invisible protective film is formed on the windows so that the raindrops flow evenly on the glass and do not leave smudges.
  • In addition, it prevents dust, pollen and other dirt from the windows. It is therefore an ideal solution for people living in large cities, as well as in the spring when there is a lot of pollen and dust in the air.
  • Glycerin is also known for its glossy properties, which is another reason to use it to clean windows. The windows look like they were just washed for a long time.

The best part is that there is no need to use chemicals and spend property for this trick, which has been known for generations.

How to make a liquid to clean windows using glycerin?

Glycerine windows can be cleaned in two ways.

  • Just add a few drops to the normal glass cleaning agent and the windows will be clean and glossy.
  • However, if you want to reach for a completely ecological and home product, you can easily prepare it yourself.

You need to make such a preparation:

  • 1 liter of water (preferably distilled)
  • 1 cup of vinegar
  • 10 drops of glycerin

Pour all ingredients into a spray bottle and mix thoroughly. Shake the bottle before using the bottle to make sure the ingredients are mixed. Spray the product on glass and clean with a soft sponge. Then wipe with a microfiber cloth. This gives you long -lasting glossy windows that do not affect rain and dirt stains.

Neither windows cleaner nor microfiber. Do you want glossy windows? We roll into a ball and polish