Do you think the Christmas star is dead? Here is the secret to make it flourish in the spring

by Andrea

Have you ever looked at your Christmas star in March and thought: “Here, she died. Better to throw it away”? You are in good company. Every year, millions of people make the same mistake, believing that this wonderful plant is now passed off. But no! The Christmas star is not dead at all, she is only sleeping, just like a hibernation bear. If you take it in the right way, it will return more beautiful than ever, giving you a new spectacular flowering just when the autumn arrives.

Now, I know what you are thinking: “But is it really worth it? Don’t first buy a new one next Christmas?” Of course, you could. But do you want to put the satisfaction of making what you believed a lost cause with your own hands? Not to mention that it is also a nice savings! And then, let’s face it: a Christmas star curated for months has a whole other charm compared to the anonymous ones that you find in the supermarket in December. Imagine the surprise of seeing, after months of care, the first shoots sprout and the leaves colored intense red. A small miracle that will make you understand that each plant has its time, and that with a little patience and dedication you can get extraordinary results.

So, if you want to save and make your Christmas star flourish, here’s what you have to step by step.

Pruning and rest of the Christmas star: the first step to make it bloom in the spring

In March your Christmas star will seem tired, with the leaves that fall one after the other. Normal. She is not dying, she is only preparing for vegetative rest. This is time to intervene with good pruning. Don’t panic, you don’t have to be an expert gardener. You just need a pair of well -sharp scissors and a little courage. Cut the branches to about 10 cm from the baseremove all the dry or ruined leaves and put the plant in a cool and bright place, far from radiators and air currents. The watering must also be reduced: once each two weeks It is more than enough in this phase.

March: the pruning of the Christmas starMarch: the pruning of the Christmas star

At this point, the Christmas star will enter “coffee break”. Don’t worry if it seems stop for months, everything is normal. This rest is essential to allow them to recharge your energy and prepare for the great recovery.

The awakening: when and how to put it back in shape

With the arrival of Junethe magic begins. Your plant will begin to wake up from lethargy, with small sprouts peeking. It is the perfect time to give it a new home.

  • Repotted time! Choose a slightly larger pot and fill it with a draining soil (peat and perlite are perfect).

  • Water and sun, but with trial. Move it outdoors, in a bright area but not under the direct sun (nobody loves scalds, not even plants!).
  • Regular watering. At this point, you can resume giving it water more often, about once a week.

  • Fertilizer, the booster of life. A fertilizer rich in potassium and phosphorus will help the plant grow healthy and strong.

Your Christmas star is now taking up vigor. In summer it will become more thick and green, ready to face the most delicate phase: the return of color!

The secret for a spectacular flowering in the autumn of the Christmas star

Here comes the beauty. Starting from Septemberto ensure that your Christmas star will return to dyeing that intense red that makes it so special, there is a small trick to follow.

This plant is Photoperiodicawhich means that it needs less hours of light to produce the color that we all love. Here’s what to do:

  • Starting from late Septemberput it in a dark place for at least 14 hours a day (it can be a windowless room or you can cover it with a cardboard from 18:00 to the next morning).
  • During the day, make sure it still has natural light.

Take care of the Christmas starTake care of the Christmas star

  • Continue with watering and regular fertilization.

After about 8 weeksthe magic takes place: the leaves begin to color and your Christmas star returns to be the protagonist of the holidays, ready to amaze friends and relatives.

Is it worth all this effort?

You might think that it is a long process, and in part you are right. But I assure you that seeing your plant “reborn” thanks to your care is a priceless satisfaction. And then, you want to put the pleasure of saying: “I made this re -emerge!” When does someone ask you how you did to have such a beautiful Christmas star?

So, the next time you look at your half -looped plant in March, Don’t throw it away. Remember: she is not dead, she is just resting. With a little attention and patience, it will repay you with a spectacular flowering just when you need it most.

How to treat the Christmas star for a splendid flowering in springHow to treat the Christmas star for a splendid flowering in spring

Now it’s time to try.

Photo © Stock.adobe


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