Rudney Gomes, one of the four friends of Robinho cited in the conviction that took the former player to prison for rape, died last Tuesday (18), in the neighborhood of Gonzaga, Santos, at the age of 46.
According to information provided by the 7th Police District and the CPJ (Judicial Police Center) of Santos, the case was registered as suicide.
The death was also confirmed at the scene after the Military Police was fired by the liquidator of the building where he lived. The police called a doctor to find the death.
Still according to the record, a friend of Rudney informed police that he was depressed.
Rudney was a private security of Robinho and was one of those reported by the prosecutor of Italy for involvement in the case of collective rape against an Albanian woman, but was not convicted of the crime.
He and three other men – Clayton Santos, Alexandro da Silva and Fabio Galan – were not tried by the Italian court because they left the country during investigations and were not notified for the preliminary hearing, which took place on March 31, 2016.
In addition to Robinho, Ricardo Falco was also convicted by the Italian court. The condemnations of the two were determined in the third and last instance, ie no further possibility of appeal. The penalty, however, has not yet been approved in Brazil.
Of the six cited in the investigation, the former player is the only one who has been under arrest since March last year. He is in the Tremembé prison in the interior of São Paulo, fulfilling the sentence of nine years in prison.
Where to find help
Vita Alere Institute for Prevention and Postion suicide
It offers support groups and family members of people with suicidal ideation, informative booklets on prevention and postpression and courses for professionals.
Abrases (Brazilian Association of Survivor mounted by suicide)
It provides informative materials such as booklets and ebooks, and indicates support groups in all regions of the country.
CVV (Center for Valorization of Life)
Provides voluntary and free emotional support and suicide prevention for all people who want and need to talk, under total confidentiality and anonymity through the site and telephone 188