Actor Juraj Bač (37) and Dominica Richter (33) came out on the second attempt. In addition to finally officially confirmed their relationship, they shocked everyone with a joyous novelty. The artist wears a baby under her heart. Bača remembered how a colleague charmed him and what he did for her.
“We met at the shooting and I had no idea where he lived, I just knew that on some intra, I circled all the dormitories in Bratislava, all the gatehouse and asked about it. It was quite so crazy“the artist described, saying that the relationship always tries to diversify with some surprise or a flower.
Their love rang in 2018, but since the end of 2023 they have been facing questions whether they are together again. They refused to comment on privacy, but now it is clear that The corridor information was true. They informed about becoming parents on the social network.
“In these times – one beautiful news … will be a family,” He wrote Juraj to their joint photo, showing a shot from ultrasound. “We love each other … and we’ll be a family,” She confessed Dominika again.
Future parents have read a number of congratulations from well -known personalities in the comments under the posts. “Her, that’s a beautiful news! Congratulations,” Written by presenter Jasmina Alagič. “Congratulations, I look forward to you,” the singer Miro Jaros told them. “Ha! I clearly identified you! Bača was a clear dad waiting for him! It shouted out of him! I look forward very, nice mine,” Actress Kristína Tormová rejoices.
“Well, finally. Congratulations,” added the musical actress Mirka Partlová. Peter Marcin also responded. “Well, finally“Wrote a moderator and entertainer.” I am very excited about you, “Nela Pocisková told the couple.
Singer Martin Madej you have joked the account of future parents. “Wait, wait, that means that you had Mošo with Juraj Bač?! Coconut, you are. He’s great… you’d fit together. Yuchu, it will be a ride“he said and congratulated them.