“Heaven on Earth.” Silicon Valley tycoon group wants to create a Christian utopia

by Andrea
"Heaven on Earth." Silicon Valley tycoon group wants to create a Christian utopia

"Heaven on Earth." Silicon Valley tycoon group wants to create a Christian utopia

Trae Stephens

Several major silicon investors Valley want to combine technology with religion and are redefining culture in big tech.

A growing network of so Silicon Valley technology investors is promoting a New moral view for the industry.

This movement, led by prominent figures such as Pray Stephens, partner of Founders Fund and co -founder of the Awanding Defense Company, intends prioritize Christian values and Western cultural traditions over wealth accumulation and are gaining strength among technological elites.

At an event last week in San Francisco, held in an old church, Stephens described the idea as the search for “good missions”, or careers that contribute significantly to the future.

I am literally a weapon trafficker“He jumped, laughing out of the audience of about 200 people, including Y Combinator executive director Garry Tan.” I don’t think you all should be weapons traffickers, but this is a very special vocation. “

The event was part of a series organized by ACTS 17 Collective, a non -profit organization founded in 2023 by Michelle Stephens, a Prayer Wife and Health Startups. The group’s mission is to “redefine success to those who define culture”, changing silicon Valley’s focus of money and power to spiritual realization.

In Michelle’s opinion, many technology workers feel dissatisfied with traditional successful indicators. Instead, ACTS 17 encourages the definition of success Through love of Godyourself and others.

The meetings – open to people of all religions, including atheists – mix Silicon Valley’s networking with religious reflection. A recent meeting had bartens serving beer and wine, a DJ playing slight beats of worship and prayer leaflets at the tables, refers to.

The inspiration for ACTS 17 emerged during a three -day birthday party in November 2023, where billionaire investor Peter Thiel led a discussion about miracles and forgiveness. The conversation intrigued the guests, leading to deeper questions about faith and work.

“People said things like: ‘I didn’t know that Peter was a Christian‘,’ How can one be gay and billionaire and be a Christian? ‘ And ‘I didn’t know it could be intelligent and Christian,’ ”recalls Michelle.

The “good mission” against the “crisis of absurdity”

At the event, Pray Stephens echoed Thiel’s opinions on technology and Christianity, arguing that all the work – even outside the church – can be sacred. Based on the leader of Protestant Reformation Martin Luther, Stephens said: “The roles for which we are called are fundamental to fulfill the God’s command to bring his kingdom to the earth”.

This belief is fundamental to the concept of “good missions”, which Stephens first presented in an article of 2022 written in conjunction with businessman Markie Wagner. The two argued that Silicon Valley was in the middle of a “nonsense crisis”Where people waste talents in trivial activities, such as building NFT markets or renovating at 35.

Stephens used the structure of the “good mission” to explain why he refused an opportunity to serve as Secretary of US Defense during Donald Trump’s government. “Few things in life must be able to get away from our” yes “or our good mission,” he said. “I think the reason for my ‘no’ was to understand what was my ‘yes’.”

His perspective is aligned with that of Alex Karp, CEO of Palantir, who recently criticized the moral crisis of technology, regretting that vast resources are wasted in “photograph sharing applications” rather than in the search for resolving society’s biggest challenges. Karp suggested US reconstruction as a “technological republic” – A vision that probably includes government -oriented government tools.

Efforts seem to be effecting. “Silicon Valley work since 2005 and my initial impression was that It was anti-valley to talk about religion And belief systems, ”said businessman and investor Nate Williams, who participated in the event.” But now it is becoming more normalized to use it in the sleeve. “

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