Horoscope Camelia Pătrăşcanu. Venus relegates from Ramenters the fish, and the fish comes from the Neptune entering the ram. This aspect talks a lot about the way we relate to ourselves from the perspective of love. It’s about how we relate to our own person. We are attentive to what we can and cannot do, what we want and do not want.
We will notice many of us that some experiences are repeated. This return of past experiences is very strong, a sign that we have to do things better, to understand better things. Venus, because he relegates in Aries tells us that it is good to think about ourselves, but to look gently. We also have a retrograde mercury during this period.
Aries have a period that requires a self -analysis that may seem harsh, although the aspects are constructive. Finally they have to recognize everything they can no longer do or accept. The aspect is beneficial, because it is in good relation with Pluto, which allows an inner alchemy, writes fanatik.ro.
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Horoscope Camelia Pătrăşcanu. bulls I come back from a shadow period in which they entered because of errors of attitude and judgment. Correct everything they were wrong, and these adjustments help them in the image chapter. I understand how they were deceived in a situation and now some reconciliations can take place.
Twins They have a good conjunction aspect that gives power to evaluate certain doctrines in which they believed. If they were wrong about the rules or were not clear, now they have the opportunity to clarify them. It helps in clarification the way they respond to the reality around them.
Horoscope Camelia Pătrăşcanu. Crayfish have self -analysis in relation to their responsibilities. Many tend to exaggerate with some responsibilities. Perhaps they did not allow the entire process of assuming responsibilities to take place.
lions They have a retrograde Venus in Aries gently in recognizing certain goals and aspirations of the partner. Concerned about their own wishes, they neglected what the one next to them wants. These adjustments are welcome.
Capricorn reassess their place in the family
The virgins have good words at work. They can be trained or encouraged, supported by someone from the entourage, who give them strength and power. It is a time when they get them well to receive encouragement from someone who knows them very well.
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Horoscope Camelia Pătrăşcanu. balances They also have a self -analysis of the relationship or as they are seen in the relationship by the partner. They realize that some observations have been made before, but they have not noticed. Scorpions have the retrograde of Venus to bring gentleness regarding cooperation to work. Sincere discussions and observations can lead to interior modeling, understanding that things have been different than they thought.
Horoscope Camelia Pătrăşcanu. The Sagittarius They have a retrograde Venus that marks a period of understanding, awareness, but also release. It’s another way to see things, which is given by the desire not to let life pass by them.
Capricorn have a good time to reassess their place in the family. They can remember certain people with whom they can regulate things. There are certain family businesses targeted now. Aquariums have aimed at a recomposition of their being. Pass through a process of regeneration and independence. They want to be as autonomous as possible, I no longer ask for help for their ideas. They want to do everything as they are inspired.