Rosemary It was a plant known since ancient times, it was used by the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians. This beautifully fragrant shrub It belongs to the familyin nature it can grow up to two meters. It is common in the Mediterranean countries, such as Italy, France, Spain, Croatia and Portugal. It is used in the kitchen, medicine, and as a decorative plant. Rosemary can be smuggled in everyday menu in the form of a healthy infusion. What properties does rosemary tea have? Who should drink it regularly and who should rather avoid? We suggest.
In green leaves rosemary They are valuable essential oils, Flavonoids, minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and selenium, and vitamin A, B6 or C. Rosemary has antioxidant effectsupports the protection of the body against free radicals, has anti -inflammatory properties, prevents premature aging of the body, and reduces oxidative stress.
The infusion of rosemary, commonly called tea, has a great effect on the digestive system. Supports digestion, It works favorably on the intestines, thanks to which they help to get rid of persistent gases and flatulence. Rosemary tea can also be served with eater because improves appetite. Interestingly, rosemary tea also has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. It is believed that such a drink can alleviate abdominal and liver pain. In addition, this drink has a positive effect on blood circulation.
Pita rosemary tea will regularly be a good choice for people who often complain of digestive system ailments. This drink has a bactericidal effect, therefore It can be used as an auxiliary during infectionand drunk will support the body’s immunity on a daily basis. It is worth using it for ailments related to the upper respiratory tract, It works expectorant and helps to thin the residual secretions.
The rosemary infusion also has a positive effect on the nervous system, it is attributed to it to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. In addition improves cognitive functions, supports memory and concentrationtherefore it will be a great choice for people working mentally and students. Additionally Rosemary tea helps to alleviate stress, reduces nervous tensionand can even have antidepressant. Such a drink reduces inflammation, moreover It can be helpful for people who complain of rheumatic pains.
Although rosemary tea is very healthy, there are some contraindications to its use. Between Others should not drink her pregnant women and those who breastfeed. It can also be inappropriate for people suffering from gallstones and bile duct obstruction.
For preparation rosemary teas You will only need 250 ml of hot water and one or two branches of fresh rosemary. You can also use one teaspoon of dried. Just pour rosemary with hot water and set aside for 5-10 minutes under cover. The brewing length will depend on how strong the taste we want to get.
Getting well with rosemary tea There will be a slice of lemon, a teaspoon of honey, the addition of fresh mint leaves or ginger leaves.