Not only the winged flower. These plants affect sleep well and it’s worth having them in the bedroom

by Andrea
The Spathiphyllum will be covered with new flowers. Homemade leftovers are enough for him

Sleep in comfortable conditions significantly affects our health and well -being. To improve its quality, we drink teas, we do not eat at night, we try to calm down. However, it turns out that there are plants whose presence in the bedroom has a measurable impact on our rest. Some cleanse the air of toxins, others secrete oils with soothing effects.

If you have problems falling asleep or wake up at night, properly selected pot plants can be helpful. Many of them secrete oils or substances that have a calming and anxicular effect. Thanks to this, they are a natural way to ensure comfortable rest. What plants to put in the bedroom to improve their sleep?

  • Lavender – has calming properties and reduces stress, lowers pressure;
  • Jasmine – Its delicate smell helps to fall asleep and improves sleep quality, regulates pressure and reduces menopause symptoms;
  • Cleaner – has an anxiolytic and calming effect, fights insomnia;
  • IvyY – reduces allergens and moisture in the air, which helps in breathing and reduces snoring;
  • Gardenia – It has a calming effect and can be a natural substitute for sleeping pills.

Of course, you don’t have to place all these plants in the bedroom. Sometimes one or two will have a positive effect on the quality of your sleep.

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Polluted air has a direct and negative impact on our health. That is why in the apartment it is worth taking care not only of flowers that facilitate falling asleep, but also those that will help to get rid of toxins. What plants placed in the bedroom will cleanse the air?

  • Wingworm – Removes toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia.
  • Dracena – neutralizes harmful substances present in the air, e.g. xylol and toluene.
  • Sansewieria – increases the level of oxygen and improves air quality in the bedroom, reduces toxins;
  • Aloes – produces oxygen at night, which promotes better breathing during sleep.
  • Chamedora refined (coral palm) – effectively filters toxins and moisturizes the air.
  • Golden epipremnum – cleanses the air of formaldehyde and benzene.
  • Ficus of benjamin – It absorbs harmful substances and improves air quality.
  • Aglaonema – effectively removes pollution and is easy to care for.

It is worth adding that some of these plants, for example Sansewieria and Aloe on the list of the best air purifiers were placed by NASA scientists. It is worth trusting their discoveries and introducing clean air and relief into the bedroom.

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