The Slavs on June 20 celebrated Nawski a great day. At that time, it was believed that the dead could come to earth (Slavic afterlife was most likely the same as the date of NAWIA). At that time, to ensure the favor of the ancestors, they were bathed in lakes or poured with water. It was also supposed to strengthen health. And it is with water that superstition is associated for March 23.
Water was important in numerous rituals. In addition to swimming in the lakes, during this period Marzanna, or the personification of winter, was also drowned in the rivers. In this way, the winter was said goodbye and the spring, which was joyful for our ancestors – new crops grew, everything began to grow and bloom. It was easier for them to live then.
One of the superstitions, says that we cannot pour out water on March 23, because it brings bad luck. At the same time, it is not about spilling water while bathing or watering flowers. If you carry a glass, bowl or other container with water and spill a liquid, then, according to superstitions, fate will not be favorable for you. Therefore, on this day it is worth being particularly careful – it is better not to be angry with ancestors, because who knows, maybe in this superstitum there is a grain of truth.
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What to do when bad luck reaches us? This can also be advice, but it is definitely better to prevent unfavorable fate. IN . In addition, there are also many rituals to attract. If it happens to spill water on March 23, you can minimize the misfortune, through other rituals for prosperity. It should be borne in mind that they are superstition and better treat them with a grain of salt. They were an important part of our culture, but their action is not indisputable.
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