Tired of constant cleaning of a balcony from pigeon droppings? We have a simple and effective solution for you to get rid of these unwelcome visitors once and for all. Forget expensive scares – this natural trick works better than all commercial products.

In cities, the most unpleasant aspects of life in apartment buildings are the constant presence of birds – especially pigeons. These rattling creatures not only disrupt our peace and pollute the window sills, but above all they pose a threat to our health because they are carriers of various diseases. One of the most popular methods to scare these unwelcome guests is the installation of a mesh or windows. Unfortunately, not everyone is convinced of these practices, so we introduce you to other, equally effective ways to get rid of pigeons.

Didn’t the pigeon network address you? Try these simple scales

In apartment buildings or apartment buildings, whose inhabitants struggle with frequent visits to pigeons, you can see the mesh or spikes in the windows to discourage birds from arriving in these areas. Although effective, their aesthetics often raise doubts. Fortunately, there are alternatives that you can prepare yourself at home. We know that pigeons are shy creatures, so there is no need to make a lot of effort to create a plašic.

One method is to attach a metal windbreaker to the window sill, which will move at each wind of the wind. Similarly, the CD plates can work in the window. In addition, they will form an interesting decorative element of space. It should be remembered, however, that pigeons are shy, but as fast as running them are also learning. Over time, they can get used to the “traps” we set up and ignore them. In this situation, it is good to focus on another sense.

How to scare pigeons from the balcony? Try these fragrant tricks they hate

Pigeons, like other creatures, avoid certain fragrances. If we know the scents that these birds do not like, we can fight them in natural ways. Some recommend domestos, vinegar or diesel, but such products are better left than the last option when nothing else really works. First of all, it is worth reaching for eucalyptus essential oil. Just mix a few drops of water and apply the preparation to the window frames thoroughly. It is important to spray these surfaces systematically and not to allow the smell to ventilate.

Another effective solution for birds will be the placement of mint or lavender on the window sill. These herbs not only smell beautiful for us, but for pigeons they represent an unpleasant odor that they will avoid. Some also recommend spreading on the window sill grains of black pepper or chili flakes. These spices contain capsaicin, which birds do not like and will instinctively avoid it.

Secret weapons against pigeons that only professionals know

If you are looking for a long -term solution to pigeon problems, you can try several proven methods used by professionals to combat these birds. These techniques are not only effective, but also environmentally friendly and pigeons themselves.

Optical Flashing – Simple and Effective

Pigeons have a natural fear of predators. Take advantage of it and place it on your balcony or window sill of an owl or hawk. Models with moving parts that move in the wind work best. You can also use reflective tapes or wind grinders that create unpredictable light effects and movements, which makes pigeons nervous.

For an even better effect, relocate these plasters regularly. Pigeons are intelligent and learn quickly – if they find that the predator’s mock -up will never move out of place, they will stop being afraid.

Sound Plašiči – Modern solution for urban apartments

There are also audio plasters on the market that make the sounds of predators or ultrasonic signals uncomfortable for birds. These devices are often equipped with motion sensor, so they only activate when the pigeon approaches your balcony.

The advantage of sound scythe is that they are discreet and do not disturb the aesthetics of your home. In addition, most of them are powered by solar panels, so you don’t have to deal with battery replacement or increased electricity costs.

Natural solutions that work better than chemicals

If you prefer natural methods, we have some proven tips for you to effectively scare pigeons without the use of chemicals.

Herbal Garden – beautiful and functional at the same time

Create a small herbal garden with plants on the balcony whose smell of pigeons hate. In addition to the aforementioned mint and lavender, you can also plant rosemary, thyme or basil. These herbs not only scare away pigeons, but also serve you in the kitchen and beautify your balcony.

Citrus bark – fragrant and effective repellent

Pigeons do not like the smell of citrus. Grate the bark of oranges, lemons or grapefruit and spread it on the window sill or balcony. In addition to repellent pigeons, your balcony will smell pleasantly. The bark must be renewed regularly, as the smell fades over time.

Spread this on the window sills and balconies. Pigeons will never come back