PSOL asks the Board of Directors of the Chamber Nego License to Eduardo Bolsonaro – 19/03/2025 – Brasilia Today

by Andrea

Deputies of the submitted a letter to the Board of Directors on Wednesday (19) requesting that the request for leave of the deputy (PL-SP), son of the former president (PL), is denied, and that it is declared abandonment of the mandate of the parliamentary.

On Tuesday (18), to remain us, where it has already spent much of the year, in a crusade to talk to the administration to apply sanctions to ministers of the (Supreme Federal Court), especially a.

On Tuesday, the parliamentarian said Cogita asks for asylum in the US to be able to stay legally in the country for more than three months.

The Chamber’s Internal Regulations provides that Deputies may request a license to perform temporary mission of diplomatic or cultural character; Health treatment; Treat, without remuneration, of particular interest, provided that the removal does not exceed 120 days per legislative session; and assume another pubic position (as minister, for example).

According to the bylaws, it is up to the mayor to grant the license, except when the reason is to perform diplomatic mission (in this case, the Board of Directors will deliberate on the request).

In addition, the rite provides for the presentation of a “grounded request” addressed to the president of the house and read in the first session upon receipt. So far, Eduardo has not officialized this license request.

In the letter, PSOL deputies say that Eduardo’s request “has no constitutional and regimental prediction” and thus state that he “abuses constitutional prerogatives assured to members of the National Congress”.

Parliamentarians claim that the pocketist uses the license to “escape Brazilian jurisdiction and perform political activities abroad, thus configuring abandonment of mandate.” “Declarations of the parliamentarian himself indicate that the actual justification for his permanence outside Brazil does not correspond to the expected of this type of license but an abandonment of his mandate,” says the text.

They say in the document that this conduct of Eduardo violates the principle of administrative morality and that the license request has a political end – and not of personal interest.

Despite the tone with which he reported his departure from the country, claiming to be arrested ,. It was not, for example, indicted in the case of the coup plot or was targeted in investigations such as the

The request is signed by the following parliamentarians: Fernanda Melchionna (RS), Glauber Braga (RJ), Sâmia Bomfim (SP), Luiza Erundina (SP), Chico Alencar (RJ), Talíria Petrone (RJ), Tarcísio Motta (RJ), Celia Xakriabá (MG) and Ivan Valente (SP).

HAS Sheet Melchionna says the license request is a “clear device” used by Eduardo “to escape Brazilian justice and do international policy against the interests of the Brazilian people.”

“There is no prediction of a license to escape the Brazilian courts and nor to make crimes light and sovereignty in foreign territory. It is absurd. We ask that the license of the parliamentary is considered null and void and that, after the expected deadline, it is declared abandonment of mandate due to non-existent regimental forecast,” he says.

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