The Petista Romanio Pereira leader will launch this Saturday (22) in Maceió Seu. Currently Secretary of International Relations of the subtitle, he will compete for the PT Movement trend, the second largest of the acronym.
They should attend the event national leaders of the current, such as state deputy Ronaldo Medeiros, the president of the PT of Maceió, Marcelo Nascimento, and the president of the PT in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Joãozinho.
Romênio must submit proposals such as the democratization of the distribution of party and electoral funds and the strengthening of female candidates, LGBTQIA+, black, young and quilombolas.
“We have a clear task before us: Reelect President Lula in 2026, ensuring that social transformation policies continue at the center of the priorities of this country,” he says.
The leader says the PT must be prepared for the future. “This means ensuring that our militants, who are the party’s greatest assets, have more voice, strength and participation in internal decisions,” he says.
The PT election will take place in July. In addition to Romanian’s candidacy, Valter Pomar has already been announced by the Left Articulation Trend.
Already the dominant current in the party, building a new Brazil, lives a crack and has not yet defined who will be its candidate. The favorite is the
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