Recipe for real homemade butter. The secret is the right cream

by Andrea
Recipe for real homemade butter. The secret is the right cream

The most important ingredient that determines the quality of homemade butter is cream. When choosing the right cream, you must remember that it should be greasy, with a minimum fat content of 30%, but the one with a fat content of 36-42%is best.

The cream should be fresh, preferably unpasteurized or slightly processed (you can buy one instead of shopping at a local market). This is what it guarantees not only the taste, but also the appropriate consistency and structure of the butter.


  • 1 liter of oily cream (minimum 36%),
  • salt (optional),
  • Cold water.

Accessories needed:

  • mixer or butter (if someone wants fully traditionally),
  • sitko,
  • bowl,
  • wooden spoon or spatula,
  • storage parchment.

Step 1: Preparation of cream

First make sure the cream is well chilled. It should have a temperature of about 10-12 ° Cthanks to which it will beat faster and separate butter from buttermilk.

STEP 2: Cream of cream

Pour the cream into a bowl and start whipping with a mixer at medium speed. At the beginning you will get whipped cream, but don’t stop. After a while you will notice that it begins to stratify, forming lumps of fat and a liquid buttermilk. Continue whipping until the lumps of butter are clearly separated from the liquid.

Step 3: separation of butter from buttermilk

Prepare a strainer and a bowl. Pour the mass through a strainer to separate butter from buttermilk. Do not pour the buttermilkbecause it is great for other applications in the kitchen, e.g. baking bread or pancakes.

Step 4: Lins of butter

Put the butter into a bowl and pour cold water. Then, with a wooden spoon or shoulder, gently knead butter to remove buttermilk residues. Replace the water several times until it becomes transparent. Good rinsing is important that the butter does not get off.

Step 5: Seasoning butter

If you like, you can add a pinch of salt, preferably sea or stone. Mix the butter wellthat the salt spread evenly.

Step 6: Forming butter

Form the ready butter in any shape – it can be traditional cubes, balls or a roller. Wrap them in parchment and store them in the fridge.


Homemade butter can be enriched with various taste additives, creating unique compositions. Popular additions are fresh herbs (thyme, basil, parsley, dill), garlic, lemon or orange peel, and in the version sweet honey or maple syrup.

Butter made at home that does not contain any preservatives, should be stored in the fridge. It is best to consume them during the week, although well -flushed and chilled can be stored for up to 2 weeks. Longer storage is possible after freezing butter, which retains its properties for up to several months.



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