Senator Sérgio Petecão is one of the politicians with the largest number of nominations in federal government positions in Acre. Some, for example, are in extremely important folders, such as Alessandra Ferraz at Conab and Paulo Ximenes of the Fishing Superintendence. Despite a large list of nominees, Petecão has not yet officially announced if he will be in the PT coalition – President Lula’s party – in the state.
Senator Sérgio Petecão/Foto: Juan Diaz/Contilnet
The information was passed by the PT president in Acre, Daniel Zen, during an interview with ContilNet In the last week.
“Petecão we will wait for this indefinition that part of it. One hour he says no, I don’t know. Let’s take time for him to organize. If he doesn’t speak, we’ll talk to him. It’s a president of the president’s base. We’re not going to disregard that. It’s a factor that weighs, but it also depends on him,” he said.
Flirt with the vice
Apparently, Petecão’s priority is to take the PSD to the base of the candidacy of Deputy Governor Mailza Assis in 2026. There have been conversations between the two. The main obstacle is the vacancies in the coalition in the fight for the Federal Senate. One is from Governor Gladson Cameli. This is already consolidated. The second, in theory, would be from Senator Marcio Bittar, who disputes reelection and would bring the PL to the plate. That is, if you support Mailza, Petecão would have no room to run for reelection in the next elections.
The PSD is Lula, but not PT
It is not just Petecão who is a faithful squire of President Lula. Your entire party, the PSD, is packed at the base of the federal government in both Senate and Congress.
Leader of Centrão, the PSD has a list of ministers in Lula’s management. However, if this will support the PT in the next elections is another issue.
About that …
PT knows the importance of having the PSD on the plate. Although the party has diminished in Acre in the elections, it is still one of the largest acronyms in the country -electing the largest number of mayors last year -. This ensures that if the Petecão party is in the coalition, the transfer of the electoral resources is in much higher proportions.
Just look at 2024. With the PSD in the coalition, Marcus Alexandre’s candidacy received a jackpot from the party’s national directory.
In addition, the PSD entry would also bring a good television in electoral propaganda to a plate with small left parties only.
We arrived in 2025. From now on, it will begin to rain polls of voting intention in government and Senate disputes next year. These are numbers that will record only the specific political moment. Consistent numbers should only be taken into consideration when the plates are formed.
Out of reality
There is, for example, a survey commissioned by the PT that reveals Jorge Viana vying for face to face the government with Alan Rick and the deputy governor Mailza in the last position. The petista has already stated that he will compete for the Senate and Mailza has been growing every day. That is, numbers out of reality.
Despite having a strong support base in the Rio Branco Chamber, Mayor Tião Bocalom has two stones in the shoe that are standing out: Councilors Eber Machado (MDB) and André Kamai (PT). The parliamentarians expose the main bottlenecks of management and found on social networks the tool of multiplying the spread of these contents.
What a pallet!
The theater made by the Bolsonaro family is shameful in the last days. Federal Deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro, son 03 of the former president, who was elected under the flag of patriotism, at the first opportunity he had to flee to the US not to be arrested, abandoned the nationalism thesis and went to look for the US government. Where is patriotism in this?