Small fruit, huge support for the heart, help with rheumatic pain. Pour boiling water and drink regularly

by Andrea
Small fruit, huge support for the heart, help with rheumatic pain. Pour boiling water and drink regularly

Hawthorn is mainly known as a decoration of many gardens or parks. Through May and June, you can admire his beautiful flowers, a Since August, it has been sprinkled with small, red fruits. Few know that these berries are not only an ornament, but also Natural medicine for many ailments. Most often they are found in a dried form, which is why hawthorn is available all year round.

Dried hawthorn will provide the body with the power of micronutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium. It is also a wealth of a large amount of different antioxidants (flavonoids, polyphenols, triterpenes) and organic acids (ursoleic acid, oleanolic acid).

Dried hawthorn in this way has strong antioxidant properties. Will affect the body anti -inflammatory, antiviral, anti -cancer. It will increase immunity both in the context of small infections and more serious diseases. Therefore, it should be taken by patients with a weakened immune system, i.e. by the elderly and people during convalescence.

Anti -inflammatory properties of hawthorn will help with skin problems. Regularly accepted mitigate Symptoms of eczema or acnesilencing pain or redness. Hawger fruit will also reduce Inflammation related to rheumatism. They will reduce swelling and burdensome pain associated with the disease.

Dried hawthorn fruit is also a series of properties for heart health. They act antiatherosclerosisthanks to the ability to reduction cholesterol and blood pressure. Will dilate the blood vessels, increase the flow of oxygen and blood to the heart and work anticoagulant. Infusions from hawthorn are recommended for people who have initial states of myocardial failure.

Despite many health applications, hawthorn will not be for everyone. People taking medications for heart cannot reach for it How, among others Beta blockers, digoxy, anticoagulants or high blood pressure. When taking medicine, before using hawthorn, contact your attending physician. In addition It will negatively affect people with low blood pressure.

Due to the fact that the properties of hawthorn fruit are not fully known to scientists, a pregnant woman should not reach for it and breastfeeding.

We will absorb the most valuable properties and compounds along with an infusion of dried hawthorn fruit. It is The best and at the same time the simplest form to use what berries offer.

To prepare an infusion of dried hawthorn fruit is enough 1 tablespoon of dried. Pour it OK. 200 ml of boiling water and leave under cover to cool. Then strain the drink and is ready to drink.

The infusion of hawthorn should not be drunk entirely at once. It’s best to dose it After half a portion (100 ml), which should be drunk from 2 to 3 times a day.



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