To enable operations, small hydroelectric dams are negotiating with free market consumers in the remote self -production model, which can increase revenues and decrease the return time of enterprises by up to 50%.
Although self -production is more widespread with solar energy, the option is also viable for small hydroelectric power plants (SHP) and hydroelectric generating plants (CGH), plants that have installed capacity of up to 50 megawatts (MW).
The measure becomes advantageous for generators, who decrease the payback From the plants from about 12 to up to eight years, but also for consumers, who become projectists of the projects and pay cheaper for energy.
Increased billing
A 2 MW power SHP can earn up to $ 500,000 more each year if you choose this type of negotiation. For the consumer, the result is a savings of $ 50 per megawatt/hour (MWh).
In this model, SHPs and CGHs can increase revenues by up to 25% per year, estimates Ludfor, a gaucho energy -based power trader in Bento Gonçalves, which brokens transactions between the two parts.
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“We make this approach, elaborate a consortium and do the operation with the generator and the consumer, to bring a balance between the two. The plant increases its revenue, decreases the payback From a venture already operating or even one that will go into operation and improves the return, ”says Douglas Ludwig, executive director of Ludfor Energia.
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Consumer Discounts
In the self -production model, customers acquire quotas of a consortium and remunerate the generator without the need to pay for reserve energy (EER) and System Service charge (ESS). For this reason, it is possible to save on the energy bill.
The sport is intended for consumers who spend between $ 100,000 to $ 2 million with the electricity tariff. In this case, large companies that are in the free market wholesale are framed.
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In the past, the practice was restricted to multinationals with even higher costs in electricity, but Ludfor has been working on the capture of smaller consumers and generators.
Among the customers of the company Gaucha are the Metallurgical Tramontina and the Zaffari Supermarket Network, from Rio Grande do Sul.