Lemon balm It is a perennial belonging to the bright family. It is widely valued due to the sedative. It is grown all over the world. Melisa is usually consumed in the form of an infusion, although it happens that its characteristic taste leaves are added to various types of salads.
Lemon balm tea It can help with certain ailments. Above all – The infusion soothes the nervesand the ingredients contained in the essential oil contained in the plant contribute to this (such as Cytral and Cytrronelal).
What’s more, the plant contains a lot of valuable compounds for health. We are talking here primarily about flavonoids showing antioxidant effects. These substances reduce the amount of free radicals in the body, and thus limit the aging processes. What’s more, lemon balm tea can slightly help in lowering the pressure.
It turns out that there are certain Contraindications about eating a lemon balm infusion. Due to the possible lowering of pressure after drinking this drink, it is not recommended people suffering from hypotension. What’s more, the said tea cannot be combined with other sedatives or lowering blood pressure.
Additionally, pregnant women They should consult the doctor in advance with the doctor lemon balm infusionalthough there will probably be no contraindications when it comes to sporadic consumption. However, there are few studies that would check the effect of this herb on fetal development.
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Daily drinking of a lemon balm It can bring some positive health effects. We are talking here, among others reduction of stress levelsand also reduction of insomnia risk. Interestingly, this type of tea can also positively affect the functioning of the digestive system.
It is important not to exceed the recommended dose three cups of infusion a day. Exceeding this number does not work as serious, but there may be some undesirable body reactions, such as excessive drowsiness.
Dried lemon balm Used for preparing infusions is a very common product. We can buy it in almost every store and in pharmacies. Making an aromatic drink is not too complicated.
How should your lemon balm brew? Pour one teaspoon of dried lemon balm into a cup or cup or put one bag with that herb. Then pour the whole with boiling water and set aside around 15-20 minutes. After this time, the lemon balm infusion will be ready.
Sources: Terazpoczy.pl