These flowers will decorate your chat up to frosts: 4 plants that turn the land into a blooming paradise

by Andrea

The flowers are decorative and can lift the mood. Which perennials will you enjoy you by autumn?

It is a planting time and transplanting. There is a wide range of seeds and seedlings of plants on the market, which will suit you in your garden or in the box. Don’t know which plant to choose? “When choosing flowers, be aware of what you are looking for. Overhanging or carpet plants? Annuals or perennials? Flora that blooms for a while or long?” It recommends an expert and continues: “If you want perennials that are unpretentious for growing and bloom for months, here are four of them.

The author of the video, Rosy Hardy Gardening, will show you which flowers bloom for the longest. More on the channel

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Kakost alias Geranium Rozanne

It is a hybrid of the legendary Himalayan cocoa (Geranium Himalayense) and the Walichova (Geranium Wallichianum Buxton’s Variety). At the beginning it is good to say that it is a carpet plant that is a drop invasive and can take up an area of ​​even one square meter. But you don’t have to mind. Kakost is a handsome guy and will enchant you from June to October with charming purple flowers. The only thing he needs for his life is the sun (possibly a penumbra) and a nutrient -rich soil. It will also suit him on a rock in combination with higher types of flowers such as the valve (Aruncus), Ploštičník (Actaea, Cimicifuga), or even a bouncer (Veronicastrum).

Marulka šantovitá triumphator

The maritime (Calamamintha Nepeta subsp. nepeta) grows in clumps and has about 30 – 40 centimeters. It will captivate you with its fine beauty, which consists of small, light purple flowers and shiny leaves. If you would like to move it to your garden, prepare it sunny habitat, where even the biggest drought and steam can withstand. Its beauty will enjoy you from July to October. The good news is that marulka is also a medicinal plant that is used in folk medicine in digestive problems, relieve convulsions or the treatment of jaundice. Its smell is so narcotic that it will call bees and butterflies. Therefore, be aware that there will be a big chirp in the garden.

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Sirloin Lindheimer

In this case, you have the honor with a long man, because Lindheimer’s sirloin (Gaura Lindheimeria) can reach an incredible 70-100 centimeters. But otherwise it is a bit of a biscuit, because it enjoys a sunny and dry habitat, so you will only worship it with occasional watering. The sirloin grows in clumps and sometimes it is quite expanding, so it is poorly transplanted.

So put him in a place where he will be “home” for many years. The plant blooms from mid -June to September. You will enjoy white-pink flowers and fragile stems that will wave in the wind all summer and autumn. If you would like to give the sirloin the company, it fits well with the coneflower (echinacea), Šuškarda (Liatris) and Travines.

Dymnivka yellow or white

You can often see this plant in joints or stones in sunny places. And believe that you will not miss it! Dymnivka applies for attention with yellow or white flowers, which are in the form of romantic bells. According to experts, it blooms from May to August and is one of the longest flowering plants at all. If you want, you can plant this flower as a edging of garden stairs or walls. There will be the happiest.

Sources:, www.onlinezahravní.cz

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