This name became popular thanks to Queen Jadwiga Andegaweńska – The wife of Władysław Jagiełło, who ruled Poland from March 4, 1386 to June 1, 1434. It also gained fame, thanks to the saint so named. They were strong women, which is why leadership features are attributed to this name. What are Jadwiga?
Jadwiga is a female name that has a Germanic origin. It arose from two words of HAD, i.e. fight and WIG, or fight. Therefore, a brave woman, a fight and war are attributed to this name. In our country The first mention of this name was recorded in the 13th century. In 1208 they were forms of Hedwig and Edwig, only over 150 years later, because in 1379 the name appeared in the currently functioning form, i.e. Jadwiga.
This name can also be diminished in several ways. The most popular diminutives include: Jadzia, Jadziuś, Jadwinia, Jadwisia, Jadzienka, Jadzina, Jadzinka, Jadziuch, Jadziunia, Jadziuchn, Jadziula, Jadziulka, Jadziusia and Jadźka.
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Women bearing this name are attributed to the voivodship characteristics of their character. They are strong personalities, individualists who do not follow beaten paths, but at the same time value rules. They are winners and pioneers who are not afraid to express their opinion. They like to focus on themselves, but they are not self -confident or staring at themselves. They like to take over the initiative and command in a group. Their disadvantage may be excessive wastefulness.
People bearing this name work as leaders, often cannot sit still and do not find themselves in monotonous competitions. They will better find themselves in creative activities, as well as those requiring strategic thinking and a sober assessment of the situation, e.g. medical rescuers.
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People with this name can celebrate their name day in several different dates: February 2, April 14, June 8, August 28 or October 16. However, the last date is the most popular.
The most popular women with this name are:
- Jadwiga Chamiec – writer
- Jadwiga Dackiewicz – writer
- Jadwiga Jankowska-Cieślak-actress
- Jadwiga Jędrzejowska – tennis player
- Jadwiga Łokkaj – political activist
- Jadwiga Łuszczewska – writer
- Jadwiga Staniszkis – publicist