The Federal Maritime Commission of the United States (FMC) has launched research in seven points of strangulation of maritime trade, including the. The goal is Identify possible “unfavorable conditions” for maritime transportation North American in foreign trade.
Specifically, The seven congestion points that the FMC is studying are: the Strait of Gibraltarhe English Channelhe Strait of Malacahe North Sea Pasohe Singapore narrowhe Panama Canal and the Suez Canal.
“The latest events have indicated that Traffic limitations at various critical points of the world maritime transport supply chain They have given rise to conditions that it is convenient for the commission to investigate “has justified the FMC in.
In the, the Federal Maritime Commission of the United States has indicated regarding the Strait of Gibraltar that with only 14 kilometers, “it is one of the most traveled maritime routes, with intense traffic and a Limited space for large ships, which increases the risk of collisions, traffic jams and delays, especially in peak hours. “
“Navigation problems, such as strong currents, winds and fog, further complicate the journey, while environmental risks, such as oil and pollution spills, along with strict regulations, create additional limitations. Geopolitical tensions between Spain and Morocco and the issues related to the Statute of Gibraltar, together with piracy and smuggling, contribute to security problems and the possible disturbances in the region “has added the FMC.