The fatty plants are considered the queens of survival. They resist drought, adapt to the most hostile environments and seem almost immortal. Yet, if you have ever seen your favorite succulent to become a molliccia, yellow or, worse still, rot without an apparent reason, know that the problem could be tu.
Yes, because despite their fame of indestructible plants, they also have some precise needs. And the worst thing? Many kill them with the best intentions. Maybe they watered them too often, maybe you think they need constant humidity or maybe you put your beautiful echyeria in a vase without drainage holes.
Or, again, you did themore common error: treat them as normal house plants. Here, stop immediately. Before committing other botanical murders, find out what you are wrong and how to remedy.
The fatal error: too much water and the wrong method
The first cause of death of fatty plants? The excess of water. I know it seems absurd, but most people water the fatty plants as it would do with any other internal plant. Maybe with a nice glass of water every three days or, even worse, with a spray on the leaves. Wrong!
Fatty plants, especially those with fleshy leaves, they store water in those leaves. If they water them too often, the roots remain constantly humid and go to an inauspicious destiny: the radical rot. Have you ever seen a plant that suddenly becomes brown at the base and falls folding? Here, you probably exaggerated with water.
How to remedy? Water only when the ground is completely dry. Touch it with a finger: if you still feel humidity, wait. In summer it could be every two weeks, in winter even once a month. And then, the method: forget the sprayer. The water must reach the roots, not the leaves! Use a watering can with long spout or the dive method (putting the pot into a basin of water for a few minutes and letting the ground absorb the water from the bottom).
The wrong vase: an underestimated problem
Did you think it was enough to choose a nice aesthetically pleasant vase for your succulent? Eh no, there is a fundamental detail that many ignore: The drainage holes. Without them, the water is trapped in the ground, creating a small lethal swamp for the roots.
If you have already planted your succulent in a vase without holes, you have two options: either I repotted it immediately (recommended choice) or, if you really don’t want to abandon that beautiful decorative vase, at least put a stratum often of gravel or expanded clay on the bottom to avoid stagnation of water. But, honestly? Better not to risk: without drainage, sooner or later your plant will suffer from it.
Light: neither too much nor too little
Another frequent mistake is the location. If you put your fatty plant in a dark corner, wait for it to become pale, elongated and fragile. This phenomenon is called king And it happens when the plant desperately looks for the light. On the other hand, exporting it to the scorching sun without gradually can burn the leaves, leaving unsightly and irreversible brown spots.
The solution? If you keep the plants in the house, put them close to a well -enlightened window. If, on the other hand, you want to expose them to the direct sun, do it gradually, increasing the exposure time day after day.
Are you treating all the fatty plants in the same way?
Not all fatty plants have the same needs. A’Echeveria he will adore the direct sun, while aHaworthia It will prefer indirect light. Some, like i cactusthey want even less water than the succulent with wide leaf. Inquiring on the specific needs of your plant is essential to avoid coarse errors.
And now? Now that you know the main errors, you have all the information to avoid a massacre in your green corner. Remember: Less water, plus light and a tinage vase They are the foundations for keeping your fatty plants healthy. Look at your plant, learn to recognize the signs of suffering and, above all, Stop suffocating them with affection! Sometimes, the secret to making them feel good is simply to leave them alone.
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