Heliotrop is a charming perennial from the family of cucumber with Peruvian originwhich you can successfully grow in the garden. It will attract a lot of stunning butterflies. However, do not hesitate for a long time, because you have to plant it in March (preferably in a pot, so that it does not freeze).
You will definitely not regret it if you decide to put it on your plot, because the heliotrope can bloom until autumn. It smells beautiful, its cultivation is not complicated, and the flowers themselves have a beautiful symbolism that should appeal to romantics.
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Heliotrope is a stunningly beautiful plant with a smell straight from Paradise Eden. However, do not hesitate with the start of cultivation, because The recommended date for its planting passes at the end of March.
Place the plant in a sunny and warm position that will be sheltered from a strong wind. Also remember that Heliotrope feels best in fertile, well -drained permeable soil, with a moderate moisture. The pH level of the substrate should be slightly acidic or indifferent.
Do not overdo it with watering the heliotrope. It should be regular especially during periods of droughthowever, the amount of water served to flowers must be moderate, because liquid stagnation often leads to rotting plants.
The plant does not tolerate frost, therefore First, plant it in a pot, and only in May overdo it into the ground. Thanks to this, it will flourish beautifully immediatelye. It would be good for you to remember fertilizing in the season with multi -component products for plants flowing every 3 weeks.
However, this is not the end. It is also recommended Regular getting rid of faded inflorescences. It is worth removing them to stimulate the heliotrope to intensive flowering.
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Heliotrop is a plant with beautiful symbolism because it means eternal love and boundless devotion to the other person. Some people believe that his heading towards the sun is to be proof of faithfulness, stability and confidence in the feelings of a partner.
If you put her in the garden, it can bring you happiness in a relationship. Especially if you entered the new stage of the Życ, you lived with the other half and you want the relationship to last for many years.