Last round of the research Power It reveals that 51% of Brazilians are against the amnesty of those arrested for vandalism in Brasilia, on January 8, 2023, while 37% defend the measure, and 12% could not answer.
When asked about the in the National Congress, Brazilians were mostly opposed to the measure.
The research asked: “More than 1,500 people were arrested because of vandalism in Brasilia. The Supreme has condemned the majority up to 17 years in prison. There is a project now in Congress proposing to amnesty and releasing these people. Are you in favor or against amnesty?”
Voters who voted for Lula and Bolsonaro have similar opinions on the subject. 54% of Lula’s voters are against amnesty, while 49% of pockets share the same opinion. Approximately 37% of Lulistas and 36% of Bolsonarists support the amnesty for the January 8 prisoners.
Amnesty’s proposal is defended by opposition politicians, especially those linked to former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL). On Sunday (16), Bolsonaro R in an act to support the measure, which represented the smallest audience of his recent events.
The amnesty proposal is being prioritized by the PL, which presses for the voting of the bill in the House of Representatives. Subtitle leader Sostenes Cavalcante said the bench will await the return of the mayor, Hugo Motta (Republicans) of Japan, to continue the pressure for the vote.
However, the measure has been strongly criticized by congressmen aligned with Lula’s government, who claim that amnesty could be a movement to prevent the arrest of Jair Bolsonaro, who is ineligible and recently (PGR) for a coup attempt.
The survey was conducted between March 15 and 17, 2025, with 2,500 interviews in 198 municipalities, with a confidence interval of 95%.