A type of cheese that is most useful to our heart

by Andrea
A type of cheese that is most useful to our heart

Cheese is a great source of protein and calcium, but not all types of cheese are equally beneficial. Scientists have named Chedder cheese to the best heart because it contains components that promote blood vessels and normalize cholesterol levels.

Details of the study

The study included 58 participants, all over the age of 50, the average age of 59 years of overweight. Scientists explain that they chose these people because they often advised to avoid consuming cheese due to saturated fat.

Participants did not have chronic co -morbidities or dairy intolerance, and they all followed the omnivorous diet.

Researchers divided the participants into two groups, and both received 120 grams of insoluble cheese cheese daily. For six weeks, one group ate a chedder made of milk from cows grazing in pasture. Meanwhile, others ate cheese made from cows that were fed with a mixed ration (TMR), milk.

After statistical analysis, the first group participants had a lower level of circulating saturated fatty acids, which is especially useful for the heart.

In addition, the total levels of cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in both groups have fallen by approximately the same.

However, in a blood analysis, the test found a small difference between two groups, which requires more detailed tests.

Cheese rate per day

The American Heart Association recommends eating two to three portions of low-fat dairy products daily.

Fat is not the only cheese component that can affect heart health. High intake of sodium is associated with high blood pressure.

If you need to monitor your sodium to adjust your blood pressure, consider limiting the use of cheeses such as mozzarella, Swiss, ricotta and mascarpone.

If you are looking for ways to lower cholesterol, some products can help lower cholesterol, including salmon, oats, nuts, legumes and apples. Regular physical activity has been shown to improve cholesterol levels.

It is important to use it in moderation and choose natural, less salty and greasy species to make cheese useful.

We will add that people with weak immunity, pregnant women and those with stomach problems should be restricted by mold cheeses as they may have bacteria that provoke.

Photos associative © canva

Source: https://www.bc.ua/

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