There is a parasitic infection that ‘eats’ the red blood cells of our blood. Most people exposed to parasites that cause babesiosis not get sick. However, for others, the infection can be deadly.
A protection It is a rare and potentially fatal parasitic disease that destroys the red blood cells.
The disease, which is spread around the world is tick.
Cases tend to increase in spring and summer, since it is at this time that people are most likely to be in contact with the ticks.
Babesiosis is caused by microscopic parasites that belong to the genre Babesia. When they enter the body, Babesia parasites have the ability to invade and destroy red blood cells. This limits the normal capacity of these cells to provide oxygen to tissues.
As it writes, although more than 100 parasite species are identified Babesia, Only some infect humans.
There are people who don’t even know. Others die
In the case of babesiosis, which for some is indifferent to others can be deadly.
A most people exposed to parasites have no symptoms Babesiosis – Especially young and healthy people.
On the other hand, in people with a weakened and/or more aged immune system, the parasites can trigger a serious disease.
For example, People who have no spleen are more vulnerable To serious infections than the average of people, because the spleen usually helps remove the infected red blood cells from the body.
The typical symptoms of babesiosis are fever, goose bumps, sweats, muscle aches, as well as swelling of the liver and spleen and a low level of red blood cells in the body. Symptoms usually appear only between one to four weeks after a person was infected with parasites.
In severe cases, since tissues are without oxygen, babesiosis can cause bankruptcy of various organs and death.
According to Live Science, the main treatment for Babesiosis is a combination of antiparasitic drugs and antibiotics. The most serious patients may require a blood transfusion to replace damaged and infected red blood cells.
As mortality rates surround the 20% in high -risk patients – Even though it is receiving treatment.