The, which invests funds in projects to confront the effects of, approved R $ 10.2 billion in credit last year, compared to 803 million in 2023 and R $ 1.11 billion in 2022, according to data from (National Bank for Economic and Social Development).
The highest concentration of resources was to Southeast energy transition projects, with R $ 4,191 billion. Then the largest volumes were for the Midwest (R $ 2.081 billion), Northeast (R $ 1.849 billion), South (R $ 1.618 billion) and North (R $ 461 million).
Among the main projects that use Northeast resources are investments in renewable sources of energy, such as wind and solar, which would add about 450 MW of installed capacity to the national interconnected system. Money is also being used to execute the Investment Plan in Water Resources in Ceará.
“BNDES is the largest clean energy financier in the world, with more than US $ 36 billion for projects for the sector in Brazil since 2004, according to Bloomberg survey,” says the president of the development bank ,.
He adds that the fund allows to deepen the strategy of strengthening the green economy, decarbonization and environmental sustainability, “especially in this scenario of global growth of climate negiciocism.”
Created in 2009, Climate Fund is an instrument of the federal government to combat the effects of climate change. It is linked to the Ministry of Environment and administered by BNDES.
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