The closure will last throughout Friday, according to those responsible for the air terminal with more traffic in Europe

London Heathrow Airport has closed during the early hours of this Friday after a fire in an electrical substation that has caused an energy cut, as reported by the air terminal operator. “Heathrow is experiencing an important energy cut. To maintain the security of our passengers, it will be closed until 23:59 of March 21,” explained the airport operator in a statement. “We will offer updated information when we have more data on the resumption of operations. We know that this will be disappointing for passengers and we want to assure you that we are working hard to solve the situation,” said an airport spokesman with more traffic in Europe. Thousands of flights planned for this Friday have been canceled.
The fire affected an electric station located in western London and left more than 16,000 homes, in addition to the airport. London firefighters have reported that 70 body members have moved to the airport in 10 trucks to fight the flames. According to The GuardianFirefighters have rescued 29 people from nearby housing and have moved them to a safe place.
[Noticia de última hora. Habrá actualización en breve]
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