The councilman (União Brasil) filed in a project that prohibits the broadcast of in municipal schools.
The text creates the musical evaluation councils, formed by principals, teachers and student inspectors, to analyze music at pedagogical events and activities. Penalties in case of non -compliance may be warning, fine or suspension.
The councilman states that the proposal is intended to protect the educational environment, ensuring that the songs reproduced in more than 4,000 municipal teaching units do not transmit messages that impair students’ development and critical sense, among children and adolescents.
“Considering the importance of music in the educational and formative process, we propose that letters are avoided within schools with apology for pornography, violence and drug use, no matter how fashionable it is. It doesn’t matter if it touches Tiktok, if the neighbor hears, he found himself on the TV on Sunday program.
The project is part of an offensive of conservative councilors against songs considered inappropriate in the city. In January, Councilwoman Amanda Vettorazzo (União Brasil) presented a project to prohibit the City Hall hire, in reference to.
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