Debt in the condominium: either if you act quickly, or no one pays

by Andrea
Debt in the condominium: either if you act quickly, or no one pays

Arthurhidden / Freepik

Debt in the condominium: either if you act quickly, or no one pays

Many owners do not pay the monthly fee. And there are five essential reasons for this economic “deviation”.

Duty condominium: Those who live in a building, surely who know or met someone in this situation.

In fact, the charge In condominiums it is a complex task – but essential for the good financial management of the building. If the monthly fee is not paid, it may be at stake for maintaining essential services: water, electricity, elevators, cleaning…

To make sure everyone pays, administrators must have good communication practices, who follow and, if necessary, resort to court.

The Portuguese Association of Condominium Management and Administration Companies (APEGAC) highlights, in a statement sent to ZAP, that there are five reasons centrals not to pay the monthly fee.

Economic difficulties: should be the most common reason.

Indifference and ignorance: It is not known – or does not want to know – the rights and duties of the owners; They do not know the operation of the condominium, their responsibilities and the importance of payment of the quotas.

Pressure to make works: Some owners do not pay on purpose to draw attention – it is a way to press the condominium to solve problems within fractions, even if these problems do not result from failures in the ordinary parts.

Problems after death: In cases of death of a owner, the lack of understanding between heirs on who should take over the condominium debts may generate complications in the management of the collection.

Lack of immediate consequences: This is also a central point. There are no immediate consequences for those who do not pay, often. The owners, knowing this, do not pay. They know that the judicial collection of small amounts can be expensive; Going to justice may not be worth it to the other side.

Taking this last topic, Vitor Amaral, President of APEGAC, explains that when a owner does not pay, the condominium administrator should act quickly: the Civil Code determines that debts superior a €522,50 must be charged in court within the 90 dias.

“For debt below of this value, although judicial collection is not mandatorythe administrator has the right to resort to this means, even to avoid the prescription, which is 5 years“Complete Vitor Amaral.

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