The Acre River has risen again in the Acrean capital since the morning of Thursday (20), even marking 15.30 meters, according to the last measurement of the Municipal Civil Defense. Despite the elevation, the level of the spring should not reach 16 meters.
The forecast, according to the Civil Defense coordinator, Lieutenant Colonel Claudio Falcão, is that the tributary reaches the maximum quota recorded earlier this week, which was 15.88m.
In Rio Branco, the Acre River flood already leaves 43 neighborhoods affected/ Photo: Contilnet
“It should continue to go up, because we are receiving water from the headwaters, but should not exceed 16 meters, reaching a maximum of the quota registered earlier this week, said in an interview with ContilNet.
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In Rio Branco, the Acre River flood already leaves 43 neighborhoods hit, as well as 19 rural communities. In all, 169 families are in shelters, and another 598 homeless. In total, more than 31,300 people were affected by the waters, both in the countryside and in the urban area.
Mayor Tião Bocalom has decreed an emergency situation in the municipality since March 14. Recognition of the measure was published by the Federal Government in the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) of the 19th.
With the decree, the city’s city may request funds from the Federal Government for civil defense actions, such as the purchase of basic baskets, mineral water, workers and volunteers’ meals, residency cleaning kits and personal hygiene.