At the center of this plane are the United Kingdom, France, Germany and several Nordic countries, which want to find a solution to “plug” a void left by the United States with Pacific eyes
The main European powers are drawing plans to take on greater defense responsibilities on the continent, including an agreement with the Trump administration for the transfer of US Army responsibilities to Europe over the next five to ten years.
According to, who cites negotiating official sources, discussions are an attempt to avoid a unilateral unilateral chaos scenario from NATO, after the repeated statements of the US President who raised questions about the real commitment of the US to defend the continent in case of attack.
At the center of this plan are the United Kingdom, France, Germany and several Nordic countries, which intend to present a plan to increase in defense and introduce it to the US during NATO’s annual summit in June.
The European Plan is committed to the progressive increase in spending on European defense capabilities, so as to be able to assume several of the responsibilities that Americans assume on the continent and thus be able to free resources to the Asia-Pificing region.
European officers estimate that they would be accurate almost ten years to replace US capabilities on the continent. However, this calculation does not include one of the most expensive and important capabilities: nuclear deterrent. In addition, US soldiers operate several military airports, naval bases and military bases in Europe, as well as highly complex systems.
It is recalled that the United States is by far the member of NATO that spends the most in defense. In 2024, the US spent $ 967.7 billion in defense, more than all 31 members of the alliance. Excluding the US, the other members of the alliance spent $ 502.3 billion in defense.