Grateful, Cristina Ferreira ‘opens the heart’ to Miguel Vicente: “I’m really sincere…”

by Andrea
Grata, Cristina Ferreira ‘abre o coração’ a Miguel Vicente: “Estou a ser mesmo sincera…”

Miguel Vicente, the second classified of ‘Secret Story- Final Challenge’, was on the program ‘Two to 10’ this Friday, March 21, to the conversation with Cristina Ferreira about his participation, and not only.

At the beyond, after hearing the guest to reflect on his posture to his colleagues in the house and the criticism he was listening to, highlighting that he goes to this type of “to work” programs, the host decided to give her opinion.

Since the young Algarvio admitted to having to be more “cold” inside the game, being indifferent to the fact that, outside, no connections with some of his colleagues, Cristina Ferreira stressed that, deep down, this is a hurt of Miguel Vicente: “You know I know you. You were my competitor, by the way, you won there, you made the cover of my magazine, everything and something else”started by saying.

And then reflected: “There are a lot of people who say” Miguel from the outside is not quite the same. “Then there are those who live with you, who say, he’s really this.” And I think this is the few things where you are. Although you make the opposite, it’s not quite like you say ”realized.

Miguel Vicente then explained his point of view, considering that this posture comes from several “shoes” that took in life: “Cristina, you can have a lot of reason in that. Because, really, I’ve always been a person who likes to make new friends. Now life has given me shoes and [tornei-me] colder. It is such a story, that everyone contains with me, that I do not count on anyone. And the biggest stab wounds come from those people who are closer to us and I have taken a few and so… if a friendship happens, it will happen for anything, it will not be within a context where pressure is a monster, where things are felt to a paranormal intensity (…) it is not in such a context that I will feel the truth of a friendship. ”mentioned.

At the end of the conversation, Cristina Ferreira was grateful to the second classified of the ‘final challenge’: “Miguel, happiness to you. You know that I really like you, I thank you every time you do television, where you are working as you say, I wish you the best happiness …”he said.

Grateful, Cristina Ferreira ‘ Opens the heart ’ Miguel Vicente: “ I am really sincere … ”Grateful, Cristina Ferreira ‘ Opens the heart ’ Miguel Vicente: “ I am really sincere … ”


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