by Andrea

The servers of the federal government countered the statement of Minister of Mines and Energy, Alexandre Silveira, and defended the president of the (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources), Rodrigo Agostinho.

This Thursday (20), Silveira implied that environmental for drilling the Petrobras Poço at Foz do Amazonas.

In a statement, Ascema, an association of environmental servers, states that the case analysis process needs to happen “without political interference or attempts to intimidate”.

“The minister has unacceptably invaded the attributions of a state body, exercising improper public pressure on Ibama, which is a federal authority with technical competence and autonomy to decide on environmental licensing processes,” says the document.

The servers, who have also countered the speech of President Luiz Inacio da Silva (PT) who criticized Augustine, say they are attentive against attempts to weaken.

They protest against Silveira’s repeated statements on the subject, noting that the institute is under the Ministry of Environment and not of Mines and Energy.

“[As falas] They configure an attempted institutional embarrassment and show full disrespect for the rules governing the environmental licensing process in Brazil, which is not compatible with the position that [o ministro] occupies and should honor, “says the text.

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