Indonesia: The levotobi volcano exploded, launching ash at a height of 8,000 meters

by Andrea
Ινδονησία: Εξερράγη το ηφαίστειο Λεβοτόμπι-Λάκι-Λάκι, εκτοξεύοντας τέφρα σε ύψος 8.000 μέτρων

One of the east, on the tourist island of Flores, was re -activated on Thursday night and authorities increased the level of the alarm to the maximum.

The explosion of the 1,703-meter-high Lvotobi Lacobobi-Llaki volcano lasted 11 minutes and 9 seconds. The ashes that were launched reached 8,000 meters above its top, the Indonesian volcanic service said.

The explosion began at 22.56, local time. There have been no damage to neighboring villages so far, but the service warned residents that there was a risk of volcanic mud due to heavy rainfall.

The explosion was accompanied by strong clicks heard to the city of Maumere, which is more than 80 kilometers from the volcano, as well as in the Laradoukas area, 50 km west of the mountain.

Authorities have banned access to a radius of 7-8 kilometers around the volcano. Levotobi Laki-Llak had been activated again last November. Then, nine people were killed, dozens of international flights were canceled to the Bali tourist island, and thousands of residents were forced to leave their villages. The name “Laki-Llakas” means “man” in Indonesian. Lucky-Llaza also has a “twin”, but a quieter volcano, whose name means “woman”.


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