It is these pests that most often attack orchid. Check how to get rid of them

by Andrea
Do potted plants languish during the heating season? You will find help in the first aid kit

Tarms and bowls are included in June. We are dealing with them when we notice brown protrusions on the leaves and shoots of the orchid. These first insects are characterized by a convex cover, combined with the body, and the second is separated. When the appearance of these pests, we can also observe the general deterioration of the condition of the plant. Check how to remove June.

Typical shields and bowls pose a serious threat to orchids. These insects puncture the plant to suck juices from it. As a result, the leaves become weakened, the growth and deterioration of photosynthesis is inhibited.

In addition, bowls make it The leaves of the specimen are sticky by secreting honey dew. Black pond mushrooms begin to develop on its surface, also hindering photosynthesis.

Through these pests The condition of the orchid is deteriorated – it begins to turn yellow, withering, his flowers fall. A large amount of June can lead to a complete death of the specimen. That is why it is best to prevent shields and bowls.

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June like to attack new plants. We often bring them home because they have gone from another infected specimen. So we recommend after purchase to keep the rest isolated from the rest for at least 2 weeks.

It is worth observing him during this time. Let’s check the bottom side of the leaves and shoots regularly. This is where we notice brown protrusions.

High temperature and low humidity are conducive to the development of shields and cups. To prevent infection, Let’s moisturize the air, e.g. with a humidifier.

We can remove the shields and bowls mechanically if there are not many of them. How to do it?

We need to rub the leaves and shoots of the orchid with a cotton swab soaked in soap and vinegar water. After each wiper, change the cotton swab so as not to carry pests.

After removing the June, we rinse the specimen with water and protect the soil with foil so that they do not get into the soil.

Home remedies to combat shields and cups will be effective with a small invasion. Here are the best methods:

  • potassium soap solution – we spray the leaves with a mixture of 10 g of soap dissolved in 1 l of water;
  • nettle extract – 100 g of fresh nettle pour 1 liter of water, set aside for 24 hours, strain and spray the leaves with such a mixture;
  • garlic and onion extract – chop 3 cloves of garlic and 1 onion, pour 1 liter of hot water and leave it for 12 hours, strain and spray the plants.

In the case of a large invasion of shields and cups, it will necessarily be used to use chemicals. Spraying is best used in the larval phase, when the bladder of pests is still soft.

Effective may turn out to be Zalebled insecticidal sticks. Just stick them into the ground. The substances of them will be slowly and for a long time penetrate the plant.

Remember to use chemical measures not at home, but outside, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Let’s use them for orchids every 7-10 days. Thanks to this frequency, we will remove the newly hatched larvae.


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