You need to lubricate a slice of bread, but the butter is hard, the bread crumbles, the nerves leave quickly. This is not necessary because the butter may not be stored in the fridge, as most of us think. On the contrary – at room temperature will even be “happier”. And you too.
Our ancestors did not have refrigerators, yet butter did not bum before they could use it. They were able to keep it even in normal temperature conditions – in summer it was of course a bigger problem, but even then they managed. We can even say that if we do not put the butter in the fridge, we better enjoy it. In addition, we will not have to worry about its almost impossible spreading after removing from the fridge.
Can you make butter at home? You may succeed with the help of youtub video by the author of the old Fotr:
Source: YouTube
Quality can last more
How can we keep butter outside the fridge? It is quite easy, but it requires both perfect hygiene, and quality butter. Buy real quality, so beware of the ratio of fat and water in a nutshell you will carry from the store. The less water it contains, the less it will be susceptible to spoiling. Indeed, fat is not so prone to attacking bacteria by lactic fermentation (and others) that causes “spoilage”, ie yellowing of butter.
Get a butter
So we already know what butter to buy. Now we should also buy a suitable container in which we keep it from unnecessary air flow, and especially from possible unnecessary attack by microorganisms. It is a so -called butter that you may still know from my grandmother’s kitchen. A saucer on which the lid is well adjacent and among them finds temporary shelter butter. You can store it in the butter either in the package from the store or without it. A good free is the repackage of butter into a special wax paper that you can buy in a stationery or specialized stores with kitchen aids.
The refrigerator will replace the cooler pantry
It is true that butter in the fridge lasts fresh longer than at room temperature, on the other hand, even in the butter is not hours – you can keep it up to a week. If you are too warm at home, or there are hot summer days, you should find the coldest possible place – for example in the pantry. One of the compromise options is also the division of butter in half (or smaller parts) and store it gradually in the butter. Such an idea is especially useful for those families or households where butter is not sold so fast and one cube will suffice for more than a week.
Try salty butter
Much longer than the classic butter, the salty lasts off the fridge. It can be purchased in the shops like unsalted, but we have to learn to look at other packaging than those we are used to. If you want to use butter to lubricate bread, which you eventually salt, or in salty dishes, such as spreads and the like, nothing prevents you from buying this variant. It will last for two weeks.
Butter in oil? Why not…
If you want to try something really unusual, there is another advice that offers the opportunity to keep butter loaded in olive oil, where we store it sliced in smaller cubes. The trick is simple, because it is actually just about preventing air access, which the oil takes care of perfectly. Which of the procedures offered will you try?