When it comes to scale and virgin, the first question that comes to mind is: do they attract or make the headaches come to each other? She, the balance, refined, dreamer and lover of harmony. He, or she, the Virgin, methodical, precise and with a radar always on for the details out of place. Two opposite worlds, right? Yet if there is one thing that astrology teaches us, it is that the differences can be the perfect glue … or the fuse ready to explode.
The Balance He dreams of a life made of beauty and serenity, a perfect balance between romanticism and light -heartedness. There Virginon the other hand, it has a much more rational approach: each situation is a sort of enigma to be resolved with mathematical precision. Two ways of seeing the world that seem irreconcilable, yet … there is something that attracts them towards each other.
Sometimes, their relationship resembles a chess game: who does the next move? Who gives up first? But precisely in this dance between lightness and method there is a formula that could work better than you think. Of course, there will be moments of frustration – no couple is immune – but the secret lies in finding a meeting point. We see better how this dynamic can turn into a lasting love story.
Libra and its need for harmony (and not to make decisions)
If there is one thing that the Balance He hates, it’s chaos. Everything in his life must be balanced (in fact), beautiful and harmonious. Being governed by Venusthe planet of love and aesthetics, has a weakness for refined things, from relationships to furniture choices. He loves the company, stimulating conversations and, above all, avoid uncomfortable discussions. His problem? Chronic indecision. Ask her to choose between two restaurants and will answer you with an “decide”, followed by an anxious look if the choice is not to its liking.
And here comes the Virginwith his practicality and his need to put everything in order, even balance thoughts. But if on the one hand the Virgin could help the balance to make more concrete decisions, on the other hand it risks suffocating it with its critical spirit. “Why did you spend so much for a chair if it was only cute?”, Could the Virgin ask for. And the scale, with a diplomatic smile, will reply: “Because it was beautiful!”.
The Virgin and its obsession with details
Now, let’s talk about the Virgin. This sign, governed by Mercuriolives on logic and perfection. His mind is an always updated archive of detailed information and analyzes. If there is an error, an out of place comma or a project that could be optimized, you can be sure that the Virgin will notice it. It is the sign that organizes everything with lists, tables and reminder, while the scale is still choosing between two shades of blue for the wall of the living room.
Here are some typical characteristics of the Virgin:
- Love l ‘order and the cleaning (a disordered bathroom can send it on tilt).
- It is incredibly analytical And known details that escape the others.
- Has a strong critical sensewhich may be annoying if not well dosed.
- Prefers relationships ESTABLISH And well structured, without too many twists.
This ultra-rational side of the Virgin can be a manna from heaven for the scale when it comes to making important decisions, but it can also create some tension. The scale, with its most relaxed and harmonious style, could feel under continuous examination. “Was this choice really the best?” It is a question that the Virgin never stops asking, and if he is not careful, he risks making the balance itself come.
Can they really work together?
And here comes the question of one million dollars: does this couple have a future? The answer is … it depends. If the Balance he manages not to take it too much for the criticisms of the Virgin and I know Virgin Learn to relax a little and not want to control everything, then yes, they can build something really interesting. Libra can teach the Virgin to enjoy life more, while the Virgin can help the balance to take root and make more aware decisions.
Together, they create a mix between lightness and stability, beauty and pragmatism. And even if every now and then there will be some bickering on who has to organize the holidays or on which tablecloth is better combined with the dishes, in the end the important thing is to be able to meet halfway.
Because, let’s face it, a little order is good for the scale and a little lightness does very well to the Virgin.
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