Military Police institutions repudiate speaks of Lewandowski in manifesto

by Andrea

A manifesto of repudiation to the speech of the Minister of Justice, Ricardo Lewandowskiabout the performance of Police in Brazil was issued, on Thursday (20), by the six main institutions that coordinate the police body in the country, and deny support for Security PECdefended by the head of the portfolio.

Last Wednesday (19), Lewandowski countered criticism about the role of the judiciary and because the police execute arrests in a mistaken way.

“It is a jargon that was adopted by the population, that the police hold and the judiciary loose. I will say the following: The police arrest badly and the judiciary is forced to release”, Pointed out the minister when talking about the impact of PEC of Public Security on the Trade and Services sectors.

The manifesto classified the head of the Justice Folder as “Absolutely alien and unknown to the institutional reality of police forces”and that would be disqualified to deal with public safety.

“Stereotyped statements by Minister Ricardo Lewandowski reveal the total inaction and bankruptcy of the Government’s National Public Security Policy, which disregards several (good) previous management programs and leverages a constant political polarization and tensions with Brazilian police institutions,” says the statement, who also adds that comments “indelibly offend” the honor of Brazilian agents.

Institutions also invited Minister Ricardo Lewandowski for a visit Pedagogical to the mausoleum of the police killed in service in the state of São Paulo.

“Or that appears to police funerals, almost daily killed as a result of the position, to reflect a little more before making unfortunate statements, which offend the honor and history of police institutions and their members, who guarantee social peace and the governability of the country,” they said in the manifesto.

“In addition, we reiterate again to Brazilian society and the political class that the entitled“ PEC of Public Security ”, so defended by Mr. Minister of Justice and Public Security as“ the mark of its management ”, has no support from the entities representing the police categories that subscribe to this manifesto, because it is redundant, inept and creating more institutional problems, and diverting the attention of the real problems of public safety – notably from the state’s inaugument. Brazilian to comply with the legislation itself and enforce transverse public policies. ”

Manifesto signed by Feneme, Anembol, Adepol do Brasil, Fenadepol, Fundepol and Amebrasil

The Ministry of Justice states that the demonstration occurred in a context of the lack of integration of police information and custody hearings: “There is a difficulty in exchanging information between the security forces of the country and the judiciary.”

Titled “Manifesto to the Nation”, the document was signed by the following entities:

  • FENEME – National Federation of Entities of State Military Officers
  • ANMMB – National Association of Representative Entities of Military Police and Military Firefighters
  • ADEPOL DO BRASIL – Association of Police Delegates of Brazil
  • Fenadepol – National Federation of Federal Police Delegates
  • FENDEPOL – National Federation of Civil Police Delegates
  • AMEBRASIL – Association of State Military of Brazil


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