Presidential: launched Civic Support Association of Gouveia and Melo with various PSD personalities

by Andrea
Gouveia and Melo criticizes Propais Proposals: Ventura thinks of his own candidate

One of the association’s founders indicated that the initiative arose “by the willingness of independent citizens and different quadrants who believe the admiral is the right person to lead the country.”

A civic association was officially launched this Friday to give “the necessary comfort” to Admiral Henrique Gouveia and Melo to advance with a candidacy for presidential and that has the support of various PSD personalities.

Among the supporters of this Association are the former president of the Madeira Regional Government Alberto João Jardim, the former Minister of Internal Affairs Angelo Correia, the former Social Democratic Parliamentary leader Adão Silva, the presidents of Cascais, Carlos Carreiras, and Oeiras, Isaltino Morais, or former Foreign Minister António Martins da Cruz.

It is also supported by the former leader of the CDS Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos, former chief of the staff of the armed Melo Gomes, former president of Cascais Chamber António Capucho, PSD National Counselor André Pardal or former Health Director Francisco George.

Speaking to the Lusa Agency, Catarina Santos Cunha, a councilwoman in the Porto City Council and one of the founders of the association, indicated that the initiative emerged “in a spontaneous way and the desire of independent citizens and different quadrants that believe that Admiral Gouveia and Melo is the right person to lead the country“.

“We are talking about someone with courage, with the meaning of mission and ability to unite the Portuguese around fundamental values ​​such as freedom, solidarity and responsibility,” said Catarina Santos Cunha, who stressed that challenging moments live in international level.

“We think [o almirante] It has, through what has already led and showed, the capacity, rigor, balance and spirit of service that is needed in these challenging moments that we are living, both national and international, “he said.

Num , Gouveia and Melo is said “very honored with this movement of civil society”considering that “active citizenship is essential in a democratic society.”

“To all who integrate the movement, but also to the many Portuguese and Portuguese who daily address me with manifestations of sympathy and affection, I leave my deep and sincere thanks,” reads.

To formally mark its launch, the association today released its And on Saturday, to mark World Water Day, it will organize its first initiative, at a rafting event in Arouca that will be attended by Henrique Gouveia and Melo.

The idea of ​​the association, according to Lusa Catarina Santos Cunha, is to go organizing events, namely debates, to bring “Admiral to know the people who are on his side” and encourage him to enter the race to the Palace of Belém.

“In addition to wanting to create a space for debate, mobilization and support for your candidacy, we want to lead you to have the necessary comfort to advance, in fact, with a candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic,” he said.

Catarina Santos and Cunha rejected that the fact that Gouveia and Melo support this association can be viewed as a guarantee that it can effectively apply for presidentials.

“It answers us exactly as it responds publicly, which is in your consideration and will make the decision when you understand that it is the right time,” he said.

Among the founders are personalities such as constitutionalist Teresa Violante, the president of the Portuguese Association of Marketing Professionals, Carlos Sá, the director of the Madame Tussaud Museum of New York, Tiago Mogadouro, or the former Commander General of the Maritime Police, João Dores Aresta.


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