The legal group prerogatives will make on March 31, anniversary of the military coup of 1964, a public act contrary to the proposals of
At the time, there will also be the release of the book “has not yet changed. Law and (in) justice in Brazil” (Emó Publisher), by former attorney Roberto Tardelli. The events will take place at PUC-SP, in the São Paulo neighborhood of Perdizes, at 19h.
Tardelli’s work, which acted in cases such as Suzane von Richtofen, portrays the ills that still permeate the Brazilian judiciary “where the word of police officers is still worth more than evidence.” The afterword is by lawyer Marco Aurélio de Carvalho, coordinator of the prerogatives, aligned with the Lula administration.
The choice of the anniversary date of the scam for the event is partly due to dissatisfaction with the name of good relations with the military.
Last year, when João Goulart’s overthrow turned 60, the fact that the birthday was blank
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