The National Maritime Authority (AMN) and the Navy warned this morning to a “considerable aggravation” of the state of time, namely from the sea agitation, between 18:00 this Friday and 18:00 Saturday, and the population should avoid coastal areas.
In a statement, the AMN states that the ripple will come from the West-Noroeste quadrant, with a significant height that can reach six meters and a maximum height 11 meters, with an average period ranging from 11 to 12 seconds.
Predictions also point to winds from western quadrant, with an average intensity of up to 75 kilometers/hour and gusts up to 135 km/hour.
Authorities thus recommend, especially, to the fishing community and the recreational nautical that is in the sea, “for the eventual return to the nearest shelter and the adoption of precautionary measures.”
Due to the expected bad weather, the authorities also appeal to the “reinforcement of the mooring and surveillance of the moved and founded vessels” and also advises that the sea keep “a state of permanent surveillance” and follow the evolution of the weather situation.
To the general population, the authorities advise against the practice of tours of the coastal edge and on the beaches, as well as the practice of activities in areas exposed to maritime agitation or affected by the surrounding.
“In particular, access and permanence with cliffs and rine zones should be avoided, and it is essential that a preventive posture is adopted, not unnecessarily exposing to risk,” read the authorities.
However, the authorities recommend that if there is absolute need to move to the coastal edge, it should be maintained “a vigilant attitude, always being present that under these conditions the sea can easily reach seemingly secure zones.”
Several districts of the continent will remain this Friday with yellow and orange warnings because of rain, wind, strong sea turmoil and snowfall and at least until Saturday, according to the Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA).
The sea stirring forecast led the IPMA to issue orange warning to the districts of Porto, Viana do Castelo, Lisbon, Leiria, Aveiro, Coimbra and Braga between 00:00 Saturday and 00:00 Sunday, then yellow.
The warnings are also extended to the districts of Faro, Setúbal and Beja until 06:00 on Sunday due to the sea agitation.
Because of the strong maritime agitation, 17 sea bars of the continent are closed to all navigation and those of Aveiro, Figueira da Foz, Viana do Castelo and Portimão are conditioned, according to the National Maritime Authority.
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